
The Academy maintains an active publications program to disseminate new knowledge as well as recommendations from Academy research.


Showing 25-48 of 416 results
Book |
JAN 2023

The Fragile Balance of Terror:

In this new edited volume, foremost experts on nuclear policy and strategy offer insight into an era rife with more nuclear powers. Some of these new powers suffer domestic instability, others are led by pathological personalist dictators, and many are situated in highly unstable regions of the world—a volatile mix of variables. A new nuclear era needs new strategies for deterrence.
Authors Vipin Narang and Scott D. Sagan
Data Publication |
NOV 2021

State of the Humanities 2021: Workforce & Beyond

A new study finds that humanities majors are similar to graduates from almost every other field with respect to perceived well-being, even though they tend to earn less and have slightly higher levels of unemployment than business majors and graduates from some STEM fields.
Humanities Indicators
Report |
OCT 2021

Art Is Work

A report from the Commission on the Arts, at the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, acknowledges and affirms the important place of artists as part of the American workforce and recommends policies to support creative workers.
Commission on the Arts