Russian and Chinese Responses to U.S. Military Plans in Space


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Pavel Podvig and Hui Zhang
Reconsidering the Rules of Space

ABM &#8212 Anti-Ballistic Missile (Treaty)

ASAT &#8212 anti-satellite (weapons)

BMD &#8212 ballistic missile defense

CD &#8212 UN Conference on Disarmament

CTBT &#8212 Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty

DEW &#8212 directed energy weapon

FEL &#8212 free-electron lasers

FMCT &#8212 Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty

GEO &#8212 geosynchronous orbit

GMD &#8212 ground-based mid-course defense

GPS &#8212 Global Positioning System

GUKOS &#8212 Main Space Systems Directorate

HEL &#8212 high-energy laser

HEO &#8212 highly elliptical orbit

HPM &#8212 high-powered microwave

ICBM &#8212 intercontinental ballistic missile

KEW &#8212 kinetic energy weapon

LEO &#8212 low Earth orbit

MDA &#8212 Missile Defense Agency

MEO &#8212 medium Earth orbit

MRV &#8212 multiple reentry vehicle

MIRV &#8212 multiple independently targeted reentry vehicle

NIE &#8212 National Intelligence Estimate

NFIRE &#8212 Near Field Infrared Experiment (satellite)

NPR &#8212 Nuclear Posture Review

OKIK &#8212 stationary control and measurement complex

OST &#8212 Outer Space Treaty

PAROS &#8212 prevention of an arms race in outer space

PRC &#8212 People’s Republic of China

SBI &#8212 space-based interceptor

SDI &#8212 Strategic Defense Initiative

SBIRS &#8212 space-based infrared system

SBL &#8212 space-based laser

SLBM &#8212 submarine-launched ballistic missile

THAAD &#8212 Theater High Altitude Area Defense

UNKS &#8212 United Space Systems Directorate