Reconsidering the Rules for Space Security


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Nancy W. Gallagher and John David Steinbruner
Reconsidering the Rules of Space

ABM &#8212 anti-ballistic missile

AFSPC &#8212 Air Force Space Command

ANGELS &#8212 Autonomous Nanosatellite Guardian for Evaluating Local Space

APS &#8212 American Physical Society

ASAT &#8212 anti-satellite weapon

BMDS &#8212 Ballistic Missile Defense System

CAV &#8212 Common Aero Vehicle

CBO &#8212 Congressional Budget Office CD Conference on Disarmament

CoC &#8212 [Hague] Code of Conduct

COPUOS &#8212 United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space

DARPA &#8212 Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

DART &#8212 Demonstration of Autonomous Rendezvous

DOD &#8212 Department of Defense

DSP &#8212 Defense Support Program

EELV Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle

FALCON &#8212 Force Application and Launch from Continental United States

FIA &#8212 Future Imagery Architecture

FMCT &#8212 fissile material cutoff treaty

GAO &#8212 Government Accountability Office

GEO geostationary orbit

GEOSS &#8212 Global Earth Observation System of Systems

GLONASS &#8212 Global’naya Navigatsionnaya Sputnikovaya Sistema [Global Navigation Satellite System]

GPS &#8212 Global Positioning System

HCV &#8212 hypersonic cruise vehicle

Intelsat &#8212 International Telecommunications Satellite Organization

ISR &#8212 intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance

ISS &#8212 International Space Station

ITAR &#8212 International Traffic in Arms Regulations

JDEC &#8212 Joint Data Exchange Center

JCS &#8212 Joint Chiefs of Staff

KE ASAT &#8212 kinetic energy anti-satellite weapon

LEO &#8212 low earth orbit

LOAC &#8212 Law of Armed Conflict

LTBT &#8212 Limited Test Ban Treaty (1963)

MDA &#8212 Missile Defense Agency

MEO &#8212 medium earth orbit

MHV &#8212 Miniature Homing Vehicle

MILSTAR &#8212 Military Strategic and Tactical Relay [Satellite]

NASA &#8212 National Aeronautics and Space Administration

NATO &#8212 North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NFIRE &#8212 Near Field Infrared Experiment

NGA &#8212 National Geospatial Intelligence Agency

NRO &#8212 National Reconnaissance Office

NSC &#8212 National Security Council

NTM &#8212 national technical means (of verification)

NSSP &#8212 National Security Space Project

ORS &#8212 Operationally Responsive Space(lift)

OST &#8212 Outer Space Treaty (1967)

PAROS &#8212 prevention of an arms race in outer space

PPS &#8212 Precision Positioning Service

SA &#8212 selective ability

SAR &#8212 synthetic aperture radar

SBIRS &#8212 Space-Based Infrared System

SDI &#8212 Strategic Defense Initiative

SIA &#8212 Satellite Industry Association

SPACECOM &#8212 United States Space Command

SPOT &#8212 Satellite Pour l’Observation de la Terre (Earth Observation Satellite)

SPS &#8212 Standard Positioning Service

SROE &#8212 United States Armed Forces Standing Rules of Engagement

STRATCOM &#8212 United States Strategic Command

TOA &#8212 total obligation authority

TSAT &#8212 Transformational Satellite Communications System

UN &#8212 United Nations

UNIDROIT &#8212 United Nations Institute for the Unification of Private Law

vMFP &#8212 virtual Major Force Program

WMD &#8212 weapons of mass destruction

XSS &#8212 Experimental Satellite System