Measuring Civil Justice for All

Appendix B: Project Participants

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Justice : Legal Services for the 21st Century

Catherine Albiston
Jackson H. Ralston Professorship of Law, Professor of Sociology, UC Berkeley Law

Katherine Alteneder
Consulting Senior Strategic Advisor, Self-Represented Litigation Network

Tonya L. Brito
Jefferson Burrus-Bascom Professor of Law, University of Wisconsin Law School

Anna Carpenter
Professor and Director of Clinical Programs, College of Law, University of Utah

Elizabeth Chambliss
Henry Harman Edens Professor of Law, Director, NMRS Center on Professionalism, University of South Carolina School of Law

April Faith-Slaker
Associate Director of Research Innovations, Access to Justice Lab, Harvard Law School

Jim Greiner
The Honorable S. William Green Professor of Public Law, Faculty Director, Access to Justice Lab, Harvard Law School

Margaret Hagan
Director, Stanford Legal Design Lab

John Mark Hansen
Charles L. Hutchinson Distinguished Service Professor, The University of Chicago

Bonnie Rose Hough
Managing Attorney, Center for Families, Children & the Courts, Judicial Council of California

Natalie Anne Knowlton
Director of Special Projects, Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System, University of Denver

James P. Lynch
Professor and Former Chair, Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice, University of Maryland

Carlos Manjarrez
Chief Data Officer, Office of Data Governance and Analysis, Legal Services Corporation

Shelley Spacek Miller
Senior Court Research Associate, Research Division, National Center for State Courts

Erika Rickard
Project Director, Civil Legal System Modernization, The Pew Charitable Trusts

Tanina Rostain
Professor of Law and Faculty Director, Institute for Technology Law and Policy, Georgetown University Law Center

Rebecca L. Sandefur
Professor, School of Social and Family Dynamics, Arizona State University; Faculty Fellow, American Bar Foundation

Betty Balli Torres
Executive Director, Texas Access to Justice Foundation

David Udell
Executive Director, National Center for Access to Justice, Fordham Law School


Research and Writing Support

Anna L. Stone
Access to Justice Fellow,Institute for Technology Law and Policy,Georgetown University Law Center

Eoin Whitney
Access to Justice Fellow,Institute for Technology Law and Policy,Georgetown University Law Center