Accounting for Fundamentalisms: The Dynamic Character of Movements

Edited by
Martin E. Marty and R. Scott Appleby
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994)
Order from the Publisher
Table of Contents
Martin E. Marty and R. Scott Appleby
Part I: Accounting for Christian Fundamentalisms
The Dynamics of Christian Fundamentalism: An Introduction
Nancy T. Ammerman
Sources of Christian Fundamentalism in the United States
Robert Wuthnow and Matthew P. Lason
Imagining the Last Days: The Politics of Apocalyptic Language
Susan Harding
Refusing to Drink with the Mountains:Traditional Andean Meanings in Evangelical Practice
Tod D. Swanson
"Jesus Is Lord of Guatemala": Evangelical Reform in a Death-Squad State
David Stoll
Comunione e Liberazione: A Fundamentalist Idea Of Power
Dario Zadra
Accounting for Christian Fundamentalisms: Social Dynamics and Rhetorical Strategies
Nancy T Ammerman
Part 2 Accounting for Jewish Fundamentalisms
Quiescent and Active Fundamentalisms: The Jewish Cases
Samuel C. Heilman
Migration, Acculturation, and the New Role of Texts in the Haredi World
Haym Soloveitchik
By Torah Alone: Yeshiva Fundamentalism in Jewish Life
Charles Selengut
The Book and the Sword: The Nationalist Yeshivot and Political Radicalism in Israel
Elkzer Don-Yebiya
The Contemporary Lubavitch Hasidic Movement: Between Conservatism and Modernism
Aveizer Ravitsky
Habad as Messianic Fundamentalism: From Local Particularism to Universal Jewish Mission
Menachem Friedman
Part 3 Accounting for Islamic Fundamentalisms
Accounting for Islamic Fundamentalisms
James Piscatori
The "Normalization" of the Islamic Movement in Egypt from the 1970s to the Early 1990s
Gehad Auda
Palestinian Islamisms: Patriotism as a Condition of Their Expansion
Jean-Francois Legrain
From Radical Mission to Equivocal Ambition: The Expansion and Manipulation of Algerian Islamism, 1979-1992
Hugh Roberts
Izala: The Rise of Muslim Reformism in Northern Nigeria
Ousmane Kane
Authority and Community in Soviet Islam
Mark Saroyan
Two Roads to Revolutionary Shiite Fundamentalism in Iraq
Amatzia Baram
Part 4 Accounting for South Asian Fundamentalisms
Accounting for Fundarnentalisms in South Asia: Ideologies and Institutions in Historical Perspective
Robert Eric Frykenberg
The Function of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh: To Define the Hindu Nation
Ainslie T Embree
Hindu Nationalism and the Discourse of Modernity: The Vishva Hindu Parishad
Peter van der Veer
Redefining Muslim Identity in South Asia: The Transformation of the Jama'at-i-Islami
Rafiuddin Ahmed
"Remaking Ourselves": Islamic Self-Fashioning in a Global Movement of Spiritual Renewal
Barbara D. Metcalf
Christians and Competing Fundamentalisms in South Indian Society
Susan Bayly
Organizational Weakness and the Rise of Sinhalese Buddhist Extremism
James Manor
Movement Dynamics and Social Change:
Transforming Fundamentalist Ideology and Organizations
Rhys H. Willi