From the Chair of the Board of Directors

As I begin my term as Chair, I wish to thank you for entrusting me with this new role. The opportunity to serve the Academy is a great privilege and responsibility, and I hope to build on the example of my predecessor, Nancy Andrews, who has devoted so much of her time and wisdom to the Academy’s important work.
I have been reflecting on how my involvement with the Academy has enriched my professional, personal, and civic life. Before being elected in 2019, I became interested in the work of the Making Justice Accessible initiative, which has emerged as valuable guidance for lawyers, judges, and policy-makers working to bring the promise of “equal justice under law” closer to reality. Related to that work, I accepted an invitation to join the Commission on Reimagining Our Economy, which is providing a broader examination of how to expand opportunity and promote economic mobility in our country. At the same time, I began participating in the membership nomination and election process, ultimately chairing the Law selection panel. Since 2022, I have served as a member of the Board, the Trust, the Institutional Policy Committee, and the Committee on Anti-Racism, and most recently, I am co-editing an upcoming volume of Dædalus on the science of implicit bias and implications for law and policy.
Each of these experiences has given me a different glimpse into the life and purpose of the Academy. I have gained a deep appreciation for an organization that is committed to taking on complex issues in a rigorous, interdisciplinary, and impactful way. I have developed profound respect for the Academy’s commitment to self-examination, improvement, and civil discourse. Perhaps above all, I have enjoyed getting to know and learn from other members who, without the connection of the Academy, I may never have met. At each event or meeting I attend, I feel energized and inspired being in conversation with colleagues who bring such remarkable knowledge, open-mindedness, and judgment to every task.
The past year has been a time of coming back together after the worst of the pandemic. In September 2022, we held the first Induction since 2019. That joyful weekend set the stage for other in-person convenings around the country, allowing members to make meaningful connections with each other and to the Academy’s work. Going forward, we will continue to offer virtual programs, making the Academy more inclusive and accessible, while also providing a full slate of in-person events. I urge you to find ways to be engaged. I think you will find, as I have, that whatever you give to the Academy, you will get back two-fold.
I extend sincere gratitude to all of you who support the Academy through your involvement, volunteerism, and philanthropy. Our fellowship is strengthened by your participation and dedication to the mission.
Goodwin Liu
Associate Justice, Supreme Court of California