The Campaign for the Academy & Its Future
In 2015, the Academy embarked on an ambitious fundraising effort to secure its rich traditions and advance its strategic aims. Over the past seven years, the Campaign has fueled remarkable progress in every facet of the organization. It has funded:
- 11 major projects and commissions;
- 28 exploratory meetings;
- 540 member events, including a new slate of virtual and hybrid events;
- 7 endowed staff and fellowship positions and 5 term-funded positions;
- A focus on extending impact and influence, including 2 new staff positions dedicated to strategic implementation;
- Dædalus becoming an open access journal;
- Major capital improvements to the Academy’s headquarters, including a new wing to house the Academy’s archives;
- Upgrades to technology, including a new website and member portal, and the digitization of the Academy’s archival collection.
We would like to thank the members, friends, and organizations who together contributed over $110 million that has made this work possible. For over 240 years, the Academy has served as a trusted source of knowledge on topics and activities of the greatest global significance. We uphold independence, we honor excellence, and we promote the diversity of thought that comes from our extraordinary interdisciplinary membership. Your support makes this possible. Thank you.
Louise Bryson and David M. Rubenstein,
Campaign Cochairs