
International Arrangements for Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing


From the beginning of the atomic age, nuclear energy and nuclear weapons have been interconnected. Every country that acquires a reactor has taken a step, at least potentially, toward nuclear weapons capability, despite the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons of 1968. Therefore, the spread of reprocessing facilities under the control of countries not now possessing nuclear weapons has become a matter of international concern and controversy. The Academy co-sponsored a multidisciplinary symposium focused on the technical, political, and economic issues surrounding multinational control of the nuclear reactor fuel cycle. The resulting volume evaluates the advantages and disadvantages of placing reprocessing facilities under international or multinational control.

PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS: Abram Chayes (Harvard Law School) and W. Bennett Lewis (Queens University, Kingston, Ontario)

Resulting Publication

  • International Arrangements for Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing, ed. Abram Chayes and W. Bennett Lewis. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing Co., 1977. (out of print)


Principal Investigators