
The American Academy and National Academy of Sciences Joint Committee on UNESCO


In November 1974, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s General Council condemned Israel for undertaking certain archaeological excavations in Jerusalem. The Council called for withholding UNESCO assistance from Israel until it ended these practices, and rejected Israel’s request to participate in UNESCO regional activities as a member of the European region. The U.S. Congress subsequently voted to withhold financial support for UNESCO. As a member of the U.S. National Commission for UNESCO, the Academy formed a special committee to examine, and consider Academy action in response to, the “politicization” of UNESCO. The resulting study is a record of politicization within UNESCO, including the responses to Israel’s actions, as well as previous cases. The report serves as a basis for considering ways in which political actions can be avoided in the future, therefore strengthening UNESCO’s effectiveness in accomplishing the functions for which it was designed.

Resulting Publication

  • Documentary Study of the Politicization of UNESCO, Daniel G. Partan. Cambridge: American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1975. (out of print)

Project Data

  • PROJECT DATE: 1975-1978
  • PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Daniel G. Partan (Boston University School of Law)
  • SOURCE OF FUNDING: Ford Foundation
  • COLLABORATING ORGANIZATIONS: U.S. National Committee for UNESCO, National Academy of Sciences