
William P. Minicozzi

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mathematician; Educator
Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, and Statistics
Solved Yau's polynomial growth harmonic functions conjecture from the 1970s in a 1997 paper with Golding. In 2010, was awarded with Golding the Oswald Veblen prize by the American Mathematical Society for five papers on minimal surfaces in 2004-08 that led to the resolution of long-standing conjectures and initiated a wave of new results, including the proof of the Calabi-Yau conjectures for embedded surfaces from the 1960s. Proved finite extinction of Ricci flow on homotopy 3-spheres in 2005. Classified generic singularities in mean curvature flow in a 2012 paper, solving a 1990s conjecture.
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