
William Neill Hubbard

Upjohn Company
Kalamazoo, MI
Physician; Educator; Academic administrator; Company executive
Leadership, Policy, and Communications
Business, Corporate, and Philanthropic Leadership

William N. Hubbard, Jr.  received his M.D. degree at New York University in 1944. He joined the medical faculty there, and later became Assistant, then Associate, Dean. In 1959, he was named Dean of the University of Michigan's Medical School. During his tenure there the school greatly advanced its programs not only in medical education but also in biomedical research. He served as President of the Association of American Medical Colleges in 1966-7. In 1970 he moved to the Upjohn Company, first as Vice President in charge of its pharmaceutical division and, in 1974, as President. At Upjohn he pioneered in the design of a number of corporate relationships with universities which are now serving as models in protecting the academy from commercialization while allowing it to serve an immediate social purpose. He gave structure to the world's leading medical library, the United States Library of Medicine, during two terms as chairman of its Board of Regents. As a wise adviser to the National Institutes of Health, he helped to design and apply new programs of support for biomedical research based in the nation's universities. Since his retirement from the presidency of Upjohn in 1984 he has been involved in even more far-reaching policy determination, as Founding Co-Chairman of the Committee on Technology Assessment of the National Academy of Science's Institute of Medicine. Several -key trusteeships, such as Columbia University, and directorships, like that of the American Near East Refugee Aid Program, have been added to this impressively busy career of medical statesmanship: a career honored often in the past, and now most fittingly by his alma mater, the premier research university of his native state, with this degree of Doctor of Science.

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