William Hugh Kling
Builder of America's Public Broadcasting System.
Founded Minnesota Public Radio (MPR), which provides three broadcast networks and their programming to one million Minnesotans every week; a founding director and incorporator of National Public Radio; founding President of American Public Media, a national public media program producer and operator of public radio networks in Los Angeles, Minnesota and Southern Florida; and founding chair and president of Public Radio International.
Led Minnesota Public Radio to create American Public Media (APM), now the largest national producer of arts and cultural programming in the country, with studios in St. Paul, Los Angeles, and New York and bureaus around the world. APM is the nation's second largest public radio producer, with programs like A Prairie Home Companion and Marketplace and a 24 hour national classical music service.
Lead the creation of The Greenspring Company, a for-profit company that, along with other APM for-profit ventures, earned some $265 million for its non-profit parent, American Public Media. Served on the boards of Travelers; The Capital Group/American Funds mutual funds;and Wenger Corp.