Wendell J. Knox
Abt Associates
Leadership, Policy, and Communications
Business, Corporate, and Philanthropic Leadership
Knox was President and Chief Executive Officer of Abt Associates from 1992 until 2009 and currently serves on their board. He joined Abt Associates in 1969 while a student at Harvard University and remained at the company until his retirement in 2009. His research included work in urban and regional economic development, minority business expansion, and employment and workforce development. From 1973 to 1983 he directed Abt Associates' Urban Economics practice. In 1983 Knox led the creation of the company's Business Research and Consulting practice which later spawned a subsidiary known as Abt Biopharma Solutions. Active in civic affairs, his current and former board service includes Brigham and Women's Hospital, EdVestors, the Black Philanthropy Fund, and the Dimock Community Foundation.
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