Wayne Hu
Cosmological phenomenologist who deserves much credit for making precision cosmology a fact and not an oxymoron. Papers on Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) anisotropy and polarization have informed the design of many CMB experiments (including WMAP and Planck), enabled the wealth of information that has come from measurements made with them, and educated a generation of young cosmologists (theorists and experimentalists). With Eisenstein pointed out the importance of baryon acoustic oscillations as a probe of cosmology, especially dark energy, and showed how galaxy-clustering data can be used to weigh neutrinos. Introduced the technique of weak-lensing tomography, which potentially will make weak lensing one of the most powerful probe of dark energy (and more generally of cosmology). Pioneering work on testing modified gravity as an alternative to dark energy established the standard methodology. Honors include the Trumpler Prize, Sloan and Packard Fellowships; and Warner Prize.