Victor Pérez-Díaz
Victor Perez Diaz is the Founding Director of Analistas Socio-Politicos and former Professor of Sociology at Complutense University of Madrid. Over the last 50 years, Pérez-Díaz has earned academic and professional merits in the disciplines of sociology, political science and economics which accredit him as one of the leading figures in Spain in contemporary social sciences. He has directed and coordinated some of the most important social research studies and institutes in Spain, such as the National Industry Institute department of social sciences (1979), the FIES Foundation (1986), and the Juan March Study and Research Institute Centre for Advanced Social Science Studies (CEACS) (1987-1992). In these institutions, Pérez-Díaz has trained professionals in social sciences and produced and disseminated research aimed at analysing Spanish society and politics, with the aim of driving informed public debate about the issues that matter most to citizens of modern democracies. He established the concept of civil society in his book on the transition of the Franco regime to democracy. His works are on civil society (in a broad and in a limited sense), markets and civil society, and the European public space. He has written recently on mutual learning between religion and secularism, innovation, education and economic policy, and the interplay of culture and experimentation in European politics. Additionally, he has taught at a number of American universities.