
Vernon Eulion Jordan

Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP
Washington, DC
Lawyer; Social and political action organization executive
Leadership, Policy, and Communications
Public Affairs and Public Policy


Vernon E. Jordan Jr. is an attorney at Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP. Prior to joining Akin Gump in January 1982, Mr. Jordan served as president and chief executive officer of the National Urban League, Inc.; executive director of the United Negro College Fund, Inc.; director of the Voter Education Project of the Southern Regional Council; attorney-consultant at the U.S. Office of Economic Opportunity; assistant to the executive director of the Southern Regional Council; Georgia field director of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; and as an attorney in private practice in Arkansas and Georgia. Mr. Jordan’s presidential appointments include: the President’s Advisory Committee for the Points of Light Initiative Foundation; the Secretary of State’s Advisory Committee on South Africa; the Advisory Council on Social Security; the Presidential Clemency Board; the American Revolution Bicentennial Commission; the National Advisory Committee on Selective Service; and the Council of the White House Conference “To Fulfill These Rights.“ Mr. Jordan served as the chairman of the Clinton Presidential Transition Team in 1992. Mr. Jordan’s corporate and other directorships include: American Express Company (Senior Advisor); Asbury Automotive Group, Inc.; Howard University (Trustee); Lazard Ltd; Xerox Corporation (Senior Advisor); International Advisory Board of Barrick Gold; and DePauw University (Advisory Trustee). Mr. Jordan has received numerous honorary degrees and awards in recognition of his accomplishments. In 2001 he was the recipient of the NAACP’s highest honor, the Joel E. Spingarn Medal, awarded for distinguished achievement by black Americans. In addition, he has authored a weekly newspaper column that appeared in over 300 newspapers, has broadcast commentaries on current issues for the Westinghouse Broadcast Network and has been a frequent guest on major national television broadcasts, including Meet the Press, Issues & Answers and Face the Nation. He is the author of Vernon Can Read! A Memoir (Public Affairs, 2001) and Make it Plain: Standing Up and Speaking Out (Public Affairs, 2008).

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