
Vanessa Siddle Walker

Emory University
Social and Behavioral Sciences

Vanessa Siddle Walker is the Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of African American Educational Studies at Emory University. (B.A. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; M.Ed Harvard University; Ed. D Harvard University) For 25 years, she has explored the segregated schooling of African American children, considering sequentially the climate that permeated segregated schools, the network of professional collaborations that explains the similarity across schools, and the hidden systems of advocacy that demanded equality and justice for the children in the schools. Her research has garnered a number of awards, including the prestigious $200,000 Grawmeyer Award for Education and the American Educational Association (AERA) Early Career Award. In addition, she has received awards from the Conference of Southern Graduate Schools, the American Education Studies Association, and three awards from AERA Divisions, including the Best New Female Scholar Award, the Best New Book Award, and the Outstanding Book Award.

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