Ulf Hannerz
Ulf Hannerz is the Professor of Social Anthropology at the University of Stockholm. He received his Ph.D. at Stockholm University in 1969 and has also taught at several American, European, Asian and Australian universities. He is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften,, an honorary fellow of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, an honorary member and former Chair of the European Association of Social Anthropologists, a former director of the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study in the Social Sciences (SCASSS), and a former editor of the journal Ethnos. Among his books are Soulside (1969), Exploring the City (1980), Cultural Complexity (1992), Transnational Connections (1996), Foreign News (2004), Anthropology’s World (2011), Writing Future Worlds (2016) and Small Countries (2017); several of them have also appeared in French, Spanish, Italian and Polish. He has also written or edited several books in Swedish. He was the Anthropology editor for the International Enyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (2001). He was a Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences in 1984-85, gave the Lewis Henry Morgan lectures at the University of Rochester in 2000, a Munro Lecture at the University of Edinburgh in 2002, the Daphne Berdahl Memorial Lecture at the University of Minnesota in 2011 and the Eric R. Wolf Memorial Lecture at Internationales Forschungszentrum Kulturwissenschaften, Vienna, in 2014. In 2005 he was awarded an honorary doctorate at the University of Oslo, and in 2010 he received the Anders Retzius gold medal of the Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography.