
Susan S. Wallach

Schulte Roth & Zabel LLP
Leadership, Policy, and Communications
Business, Corporate, and Philanthropic Leadership

Susan S. Wallach is a retired Special Counsel at Schulte Roth & Zabel. Wallach was a Trustee of Radcliffe College and a central participant in the negotiations surrounding its merger with Harvard University. Following the merger, Wallach became a founding member and inaugural chair of the Dean’s Advisory Council of the new Harvard Radcliffe Institute.

She is a Trustee and Chair of the Board Development and Engagement Committee of WNET Group, which brings public broadcasting and other public media to the New York metropolitan area and beyond. She is also Vice Chair of the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center and Chair of its Nominating Committee and serves as a Trustee and Chair of the Board Development and Public Affairs Committee of Pace University. She is former Chair of the Advisory Council of the Center for the Study of Transformative Lives at New York University, a former member of the Columbia University Human Embryo and Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research Committee and a former Vice President of the Board of Trustees of Deerfield Academy.

Wallach is a graduate of Harvard College and Harvard Law School. She served on the Board of Overseers of Harvard University and received the Harvard Medal in recognition of her service “with special care for the humanities and arts, for law and education, and for the steady advancement of women.”

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