
Sarah A. Fuller

Stony Brook University
Medievalist; Musical scholar; Educator
Humanities and Arts
Performing Arts
Influential medievalist and educator, considered an expert on fourteenth-century French music and medieval music theory. For several decades, her The European Musical Heritage: 800-1750 (1987; Revised, 2004) was used in music history courses across the country. Selected articles have appeared in publications such as The Journal of the American Musicological Society, Acta Musicologica, and Music Theory Spectrum, among others. Authored chapters in scholarly compilations include "Organum-discantus-contrapunctus in the Middle Ages", in The Cambridge History of Western Music Theory and "Early polyphony to c. 1200" in the handbook The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Music (2011). Teaching has ranged over a variety of topics, from medieval and Renaissance music history, theory, and analysis to the works of Stravinsky. Member, American Musicological Society, College Music Society, and the Society for Music Theory, among other professional organizations. Founding member of Stony Brook's department of music and former departmental chair as well as chair of graduate studies. Co-edited with Winton Dean a performance edition of Handel's opera, Giulio Cesare (Oxford: 2008).
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