Sarah A. Binder
Brookings Institution
Political scientist; Congressional scholar; Educator
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Political Science
Binder is an expert on Congress and legislative politics. Her work focuses on the origins, evolution, and impact of political institutions. She is the author or co-author of books focused on the procedural development of Congress, the politics of the Senate filibuster (with Steven Smith), the dynamics of legislative gridlock, judicial confirmation politics (with Forrest Maltzman), and monetary politics (with Mark Spindel). She is a two-time (co)winner of the Richard F. Fenno, Jr. Prize for the best book published on legislative politics and the co-winner of the Gladys Kammerer Prize from the American Political Science Association. She is also an editor of the Washington Post's Monkey Cage-- a blog that brings political science expertise to bear in analyzing and illuminating the news.
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