
Ruma Banerjee

University of Michigan
Biological Sciences
Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Molecular Biology

Ruma Banerjee is the Vincent Massey Collegiate Professor of Biological Chemistry in the Medical School at the University of Michigan. 

Banerjee is an expert in the chemical biology of hydrogen sulfide signaling, regulation of mammalian sulfur metabolism in health and disease, and structural enzymology of human B12 trafficking proteins. Her laboratory studies the coordinate regulation of methylation and redox homeostasis at the organismal, cellular, molecular and computational levels to elucidate key switchpoints and the traffic lights that regulate this metabolic nexus. Her lab uses a variety of biophysical (EPR spectroscopy, stopped-flow kinetics) approaches together with biochemical analysis of patient mutations to elucidate the mechanisms of these clinically important enzymes and understand the biochemical basis of metabolic defects caused by their impairments.

She served as an associate editor for Chemical Reviews and the Journal of Biological Chemistry for 10 years through 2022. She is co-director of the National Institutes of Health-funded American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology MOSAIC program to enhance STEM diversity.

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