
Rohini Pande

Yale University
Social and Behavioral Sciences

Rohini Pande is the Henry J. Heinz II Professor of Economics and Director of the Economic Growth Center at Yale University. Pande’s research focusses on how formal and informal institutions shape power relationships and patterns of economic and political advantage in society, particularly in developing countries. She is interested in the role of public policy in providing the poor and disadvantaged political and economic power, and how notions of economic justice and human rights can help justify and enable such change. A significant current research focus is the economics of gender norms. 

In 2018, Pande received the Carolyn Bell Shaw Award from the American Economic Association for promoting the success of women in the economics profession. She is a co-editor of American Economic Review: Insights and co-chair of the Political Economy and Government Group at Jameel Poverty Action Lab . Pande was previously the Rafik Harriri Professor of International Political Economy at Harvard Kennedy School, where she co-founded Evidence for Policy Design. Pande received a Ph.D in economics from London School of Economics.

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