Robert M. Greenstein
Brookings Institution
Public policy specialist; Research institution administrator
Leadership, Policy, and Communications
Public Affairs and Public Policy
Mr. Robert Greenstein is the President and Founder of the Center on Budget and Public Priorities, which is a nonpartisan research and policy institute that works on public anti-poverty programs, federal budget, and tax policies in health reform and Social Security in Washington D.C. A graduate of Harvard, Greenstein also served as an administrator of the Food and Nutrition Service in the U.S. Department of Agriculture under President Jimmy Carter in the 1970s. His role was essential for the design of the Food Stamp Act of 1977, a notable anti-poverty act. Another noteworthy appointment was his membership on the Bipartisan Commission on Entitlement and Tax Reform under Clinton's administration. Greenstein has won numerous awards for his charitable work such as the James Blum Award, the Public Service Achievement Award from Common Cause, Heinz Award for Public Policy, the MacArthur Fellowship, the John W. Gardner Leadership Award, the Daniel Patrick Moynihan Prize, the 25th Anniversary Award from the Center for Law and Social Policy, and honorary doctorates from Tufts University, Occidental College, and Haverford College.
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