Richard Schechner
Richard Schechner is Performance Studies and University Professor Emeritus at New York University and Editor of The Drama Review. A performance theorist and theater director, Schechner combines his work in theory with innovative approaches to the broad spectrum of performance - including theatre, play, ritual, dance, music, popular entertainments, sports, politics, and performance in everyday life - to understand performative behavior as both an object of study and an active artistic-intellectual practice. He is founder of The Performance Group and East Coast Artists. His theatre productions include Dionysus in 69; Commune; The Tooth of Crime; Mother Courage and Her Children; Seneca's Oedipus; Faust/gastronome; Three Sisters; Hamlet; The Oresteia; YokastaS; Swimming to Spalding; and Imagining O. His books include Public Domain; Environmental Theater; Performance Theory; The Future of Ritual; Between Theater and Anthropology; Performance Studies: An Introduction; and Performed Imaginaries. He holds a Ph.D. from Tulane University.