Rebecca Davis Gibbons
Rebecca Davis Gibbons is an assistant professor of political science at the University of Southern Maine and a senior associate (non-resident) at the Center of Strategic and International Studies’ Project on Nuclear Issues. She previously served as a fellow and associate of the Project on Managing the Atom at Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs after receiving her PhD from Georgetown University in 2016. Her research focuses on the nuclear nonproliferation regime, arms control, disarmament, norms, public opinion, and global order. Her academic writing has been published in journals including Journal of Politics, Contemporary Security Policy, Journal of Global Security Studies, Journal of Strategic Studies, Washington Quarterly, and Nonproliferation Review. Her public affairs commentary has been featured in Arms Control Today, The Hill, U.S. News & World Report, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, War on the Rocks, and the Washington Post’s Monkey Cage. Before becoming an academic, Rebecca taught elementary school among the Bikini community in the Republic of the Marshall Islands and served as a national security policy analyst at SAIC providing research and analytic support on arms control and nonproliferation issues to Headquarters Air Force Strategic Stability and Countering WMD Division (AF/A10-S). Her book The Hegemon’s Tool Kit: US Leadership and the Politics of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime was published by Cornell University Press in 2022.