Randolph Blake
Centennial Professor of Psychology, and Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Science. Blake's overarching research goal is to understand human visual perception, and to tackle this problem he uses psychophysical techniques, human brain imaging and computational modeling. His work focuses largely on normal human adults, but he collaborates with others in the study of vision in clinical populations including individuals with schizophrenia, autism and bipolar disorder. Over the years Blake has studied binocular vision, motion perception, perceptual organization, bistable perception, synesthesia and visual imagery. He is probably best known for his research on binocular fusion/rivalry and on perception of biological motion. Besides the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, Blake is an elected member of the National Academy of Sciences and an elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Society of Experimental Psychologists, the Association for Psychological Science and the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.