R. Douglas Arnold
Princeton University
Political scientist; Educator
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Political Science
R. Douglas Arnold is jointly appointed in the Department of Politics and the Princeton School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University. He has broad interests in American politics, with special interests in congressional politics, national policymaking, representation, and Social Security. The author of Congress and the Bureaucracy: A Theory of Influence (1979); The Logic of Congressional Action (1990); Congress, the Press, and Political Accountability (2004), and Fixing Social Security: The Politics of Reform in a Polarized Age (2022), he also edited Framing the Social Security Debate: Values, Politics, and Economics. He has been a research fellow at the Brookings Institution, a Guggenheim Fellow, a visiting scholar at the Russell Sage Foundation, a recipient of grants from the Ford, Dirksen, Earhart, and National Science Foundations, and the recipient of the Richard F. Fenno prize in legislative studies, the Gladys M. Kammerer Award in public policy, and the William G. Bowen Award in labor policy.
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