
Phillip Lopate

Columbia University
Writer; Educator
Humanities and Arts

Writer; Professor and Nonfiction Director, Columbia University. Received a BA from Columbia in 1964, and a doctorate from the Union Graduate School in 1979. Has written three personal essay collections — Bachelorhood (1981), Against Joie de Vivre (1989), and Portrait of My Body (1996); two novels, Confessions of Summer (1979) and The Rug Merchant (1987) and a pair of novellas (Two Marriages, 2008); three poetry collections, The Eyes Don’t Always Want to Stay Open (1972), The Daily Round (1976) and At the End of the Day (2010); a memoir, Being With Children (1975); a collection of his movie criticism, Totally Tenderly Tragically (1998); an urbanist meditation, Waterfront: A Journey Around Manhattan (2004); a critical study, Notes On Sontag (2009) and a monograph, Rudy Burckhardt: Photographer and Filmmaker (2004.) Also released a Phillip Lopate reader, Getting Personal: Selected Writings (2003). Recent publications include Portrait Inside My Head (personal essays) and To Show and to Tell: the Craft of Literary Nonfiction. Has also edited several anthologies. Awards include a Guggenheim Fellowship, a New York Public Library Center for Scholars and Writers Fellowship, two National Endowment for the Arts grants, and two New York Foundation for the Arts grants.

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