Philip J. Hanlon
Dartmouth College
Mathematician; Computer scientist; Academic institution administrator; Educator
Leadership, Policy, and Communications
Educational and Academic Leadership
President, Dartmouth College; Provost: Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs; Donald J. Lewis Professor of Mathematics; Arthur F. Thurnau Professor/President Elect. Widely recognized in his long career at the University of Michigan as a scholar and teacher in mathematics and a skillful and effective academic leader. The impact of his scholarship in algebraic combinatorics, discrete probability, and theoretical computer science was recognized by numerous awards including an endowed chair, major editorial roles, and advisory service to government agencies such as the National Security Agency. He developed the path-breaking paradigms for Michigan's primary introductory calculus sequence. In his position as associate dean for planning and finance, vice provost for academic affairs, he serves as both chief academic officer and chief budget officer of the University. He provided particularly strong, skillful, and courageous leadership during the past decade, enhancing Michigan's reputation during a difficult financial period when it lost over 50% of its state support. His Michigan model for sustaining quality and capacity, even as state support has seriously deteriorated, has been both envied and copied by leading public universities across the nation.
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