Peter G. Peterson
Peter G. Peterson is the Senior Chairman and Cofounder at the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, a non-partisan organization dedicated to raising awareness of America’s long-term fiscal challenges and promoting solutions to ensure a better economic future. Pete’s distinguished and far-reaching career spans more than five decades, including contributions and accomplishments in public service, business and philanthropy. Peterson is the former U.S. Secretary of Commerce, former Chair of Federal Reserve Bank of New York (2000-2004), Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations, founding Chairman of the Institute for International Economics, and founding President of the Concord Coalition. Before his work with the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, he was the CEO of Lehman Brothers (1973-1977) and of Lehman Brothers, Kuhn, Loeb Inc. (1977-1984). Peterson is the author of several books, including Running on Empty; and Facing Up: How to Rescue the Economy from Crushing Debt.