Paul Harris Freedman
Yale University
Historian; Educator
Humanities and Arts
Chester D. Tripp Professor of History. Scholar of medieval European history,and the history of food and cuisine. Within the medieval field specialization in the history of Spain, comparative studies of peasantry, and trade in luxury products. For the history of food, a particular emphasis on restaurants and the U.S. from 1800 to the present. Recognized for books in three different fields: early Catalonia, European rural experience, and historical cultures of food. Author of Images of the Medieval Peasant (1999) and Out of the East: Spices and the Medieval Imagination (2008). Edited Food: The History of Taste (2007). Co-edited Last Things: Death and the Apocalypse in the Middle Ages (1999) and Forms of Servitude in Northern and Central Europe (2005). Forthcoming in 2016: "Ten Restaurants That Changed America."
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