
Patricia G. Parker

University of Missouri-St. Louis
Biological Sciences
Evolution and Ecology

Patricia G. Parker is Senior Scientist at the WildCare Institute Center for Avian Health at the Saint Louis Zoo and the E. Desmond Lee Professor of Zoological Studies at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. Dr. Parker has been recognized as a leader in the application of DNA analysis to understand the spatial structure and social organization of bird populations. Her work on transmission of malaria parasites and other agents of disease in the Galápagos Islands has helped to identify the origins of non-native, invasive pathogens and informed efforts to protect endangered populations of birds in Galápagos National Park. Her current research focuses on disease transmission in birds, their susceptibility, and how they achieve protection from such diseases, especially in the context of the conservation of birds in the Galápagos Islands. Recent efforts focus on involvement of marginalized groups in this and other research, to intentionally diversify involvement in science.

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