
Muhammad Qasim Zaman

Princeton University
Humanities and Arts
Religious Studies

Muhammad Qasim Zaman, the Robert H. Niehaus '77 Professor of Near Eastern Studies and Religion at Princeton University, has written on the relation­ship between religious and political institutions in medieval and modern Islam, on social and legal thought in the modern Muslim world, on institutions and traditions of learning in Islam, and on the flow of ideas between South Asia and the Middle East. He is the author of Religion and Politics under the Early Abbasids (1997), The Ulama in Contemporary Islam: Custodians of Change (2002), Ashraf Ali Thanawi: Islam in Modern South Asia (2008), Modern Islamic Thought in a Radical Age: Religious Authority and Internal Criticism (2012), and Islam in Pakistan: A History (2018). Among his current projects is a book on South Asia and the wider Muslim world in the eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries.

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