
Molly M. Stevens

Imperial College London
Biological Sciences
Medical Sciences
International Honorary Member

Molly M. Stevens is Professor of Biomedical Materials and Regenerative Medicine at Imperial College London, where she is also Research Director for Biomedical Material Sciences at the Institute of Biomedical Engineering. Her interdisciplinary research group works in drug delivery, bioactive materials, tissue engineering, biosensing, materials characterization, soft robotics, and the interface between living and non-living matter, and is underpinned by collaborations with data scientists and molecular dynamics experts. 

She is Director of the UK Regenerative Medicine Platform “Smart Materials” Hub, Deputy Director of the EPSRC funded Interdisciplinary Research Centre in Early-Warning Sensing Systems for Infectious Diseases, and Associate Director of the British Heart Foundation Centre of Research Excellence. She is also Associate Editor of ACS Nano and former reviewing editor at Science.

Stevens, a fellow of the Royal Society and the Royal Academy of Engineering, earned her Ph.D. from the Laboratory of Biophysics and Surface Analysis at the University of Nottingham. Stevens is also a serial entrepreneur and has founded companies in the therapeutics and diagnostics space based on her scientific innovations.

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