Maureen L. Stanton
University of California, Davis
Evolutionist; Ecologist; Educator
Biological Sciences
Evolution and Ecology
University of California, Davis, Davis, California ~Professor of Evolution and Ecology. Contributed to our understanding of the evolution of plant life history traits, the role of environmental heterogeneity in plant evolution and local adaptation, and the evolutionary ecology of plant-animal mutualisms. Work on the evolution of plant reproductive traits has provided insights into the evolution of female and male reproductive success and extended the application of modern sexual selection theory from animals to plants. Research on the adaptive evolution of plant populations across environmental gradients has demonstrated a critical influence of phenotypic plasticity and transgenerational maternal effects on evolutionary dynamics in heterogeneous environments. Findings have implications for plant conservation in fragmented landscapes. Contributed to the study of plant-ant mutualisms, working with acacias and their ant mutualists in Africa. Demonstrated the fitness impacts of ants on plants and elucidated mechanisms for coexistence of multiple ant species on the same host. Served as Vice President of the American Society of Naturalists. Fellow, California Academy of Sciences.~~
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