Marcia K. Johnson
Marcia K. Johnson is Sterling Professor Emerita of Psychology at Yale University. She received her Ph.D. (1971) from UC Berkeley, and was a member of the faculty of The State University of New York at Stony Brook (1970-1985) and Princeton University (1985-2000) before moving to Yale. Her research on memory and cognition has addressed: the relation between comprehension and memory, mechanisms of veridical and distorted memory, component processes of reflection and consciousness; memory changes associated with aging; the relation between emotion and cognition; and the "self" in cognition. She has worked with students and other colleagues, using both behavioral and cognitive neuroscience methods, toward an integrative picture of mental activity, exploring ideas such as those represented in Reality Monitoring, the Source Monitoring Framework (SMF), and the Multiple-Entry, Modular Memory System (MEM).
She is a member of the National Academy of Sciences (elected 2014) and the recipient of the Franklin Medal in Cognitive Science (2019), Kavli Distinguished Career Contribution Award from the Cognitive Neuroscience Society (2017), American Psychological Foundation Gold Medal Award for Life Achievement in the Science of Psychology (2011), American Psychological Association Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award (2006), and American Psychological Society William James Fellow Award (2006). Her mentorship has also been recognized: APS Psychological Science Mentorship Award (2019), Master Mentor Award from APA Division 20 (2005) and the Mentorship Award from the Yale University Graduate School (2005).