Karin M. Rabe
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Physicist; Materials scientist; Educator
Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Karin M. Rabe is the Board of Governors Professor of Physics at Rutger University and a member of the University's Condensed Matter Theory research group. She focuses her work on the theoretical investigation of ferroelectrics and related materials, and magnetic and nonmagnetic martensites. Her main interests are in the application of first-principles methods to the study of systems at or near structural phase transitions, including ferroelectrics, piezoelectrics, high-k dielectrics, multiferroics and shape-memory compounds. Recently she has focused on the effects of epitaxial strain and interfaces in thin films and superlattices. She is co-editor of the book, Physics of Ferroelectrics: a Modern Perspective (2007). She is a member of the Editorial Boards of Physical Review B and Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, as well as a Trustee and Vice President of the Aspen Center for Physics.
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