John Randell
John Randell led the Science, Engineering, and Technology program at the American Academy. Most recently, he was the staff director for a multiyear initiative on The Public Face of Science, which is examining the public’s perceptions of the scientific process and exploring how scientific expertise is incorporated into public policy. John was also the staff director for the Academy report Restoring the Foundation: The Vital Role of Research in Preserving the American Dream. Other Academy projects include a recent report on public trust in childhood vaccinations and a six-year study on the social and regulatory factors that govern the adoption of clean energy technologies.
John received undergraduate degrees in mathematics and microbiology from the University of Iowa, and a PhD in virology from Harvard University. From 2003–2009 he was a postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of Stephen P. Bell at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he studied the initiation and cell-cycle control of eukaryotic DNA replication. In 2001 he was a visiting assistant professor of microbiology at Kathmandu University Medical School.