Jane Dammen McAuliffe
A leading scholar of Islam and the Qur’an as well as a noted educator. She is cnrrently Senior Advisor to the Librarian of Congress. Her previous positions include inaugural Director of National and International Outreach at the Library of Congress (2015 - 2018), Distinguished Visiting Scholar and then Director of The John W. Kluge Center (2013 - 2015), President of Bryn Mawr College (2008 – 2013), and Dean of Arts and Sciences at Georgetown University (1999 – 2008). She is author or editor of the Norton Anthology of World Religions: Islam, the Encyclopaedia of the Qur'an (6 vols), The Cambridge Companion to the Qur'an, With Reverence for the Word, Abbasid Authority Affirmed and Qurʼanic Christians. She is past president of the American Academy of Religion, a member of the American Philosophical Society and the Council on Foreign Relations and the recipient of several honorary degrees.