Itamar Rabinovich
Ambassador Itamar Rabinovich is a Distinguished Global Professor at NYU, a Distinguished Non Resident Fellow at Brookings, and current President of the Israel Institute. Formerly, he held the position of the Ettinger Professor of Contemporary Middle Eastern History, researcher of Moshe Dayan Center for Middle East and African Studies, and President of Tel Aviv University from 1999-2007. In addition, he served as the Israeli Ambassador to the United States from 1993-1996 and previously served as Dean of the Entin Faculty of Humanities and Tel Aviv University Rector. Rabinovich is also the author of several books including, The View from Damascus: State, Political Community and Foreign Relations in Twentieth-Century Syria (2008), The Road Not Taken: Early Arab-Israeli Negotiations (1991), Syria Under the Ba'th (1972) and he has just completed a biography of Yitzhak Rabin for Yale University Press.. Some accomplishments include membership to the American Philosophical Society and receiving the Commandeur l'ordre des Palmes Académiques, Honorary Grand Golden Cross of the Austrian Republic, Morris J. and Betty Kaplun Award, Korn-Gerstenman Prize, and Scholar-Statesman Award.