
Henri Berestycki

Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales
Mathematician; Educator
Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, and Statistics
International Honorary Member
Research Professor; Director of the Center of Mathematics at EHESS. Leader in the area of nonlinear partial differential equations, and their applications to problems in the sciences ranging from mathematical physics to combustion phenomena to the biological and social sciences. He brought deep and rigorous mathematical understanding to complex phenomena in these various areas. His highly cited research contributions include work with P-L. Lions on nonlinear field theory, with A. Bahri on multiple solutions of problems involving perturbations from symmetry, with L. Nirenberg and others on the method of moving planes and qualitative properties of nonlinear equations, with L. Nirenberg and S.R.S. Varadhan and others on linear elliptic operators. In recent years he has carried important research on reaction-diffusion equations and propagation phenomena in non-homogenous media. He has especially established the existence and properties of pulsating wave fronts and more general wave-like solutions. His energy and enthusiasm have made him a successful teacher and mentor, and his courses have led many students to pursue mathematics as a career path.
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