Harry T T. Edwards
Harry T. Edwards is a Senior Circuit Judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. He was appointed to the court in 1980 and served as Chief Judge from 1994 to 2001. Before joining the court, he practiced law for five years in Chicago, Illinois. He was then a tenured professor of law at the University of Michigan and Harvard Law Schools. Since joining the court, he has taught part-time at a number of law schools, including Michigan, Harvard, University of California Irvine, Duke, Pennsylvania, and Georgetown. Since 1990, he has taught at the NYU School of Law, where he is a Professor of Law. He has co-authored five books, the most recent of which is Federal Standards of Review (co-authored with Linda Elliott); he has also published scores of articles and presented numerous papers dealing with forensic science, legal education, the effects of collegiality on appellate decisionmaking, the pitfalls of empirical studies that purport to measure judicial decisionmaking, judicial process, federalism, legal ethics, judicial administration, professionalism, labor law, equal employment opportunity, labor arbitration, higher education law, and alternative dispute resolution. In 1992, he published The Growing Disjunction Between Legal Education and the Legal Profession, 91 Mich. L. Rev. 34 (1992), which has been recognized as one of the most cited law review articles of all time. He is currently a member of the Committee on Science, Technology, and Law at the National Academy of Sciences; American Law Institute; and American Academy of Arts and Sciences.