
Hans Arthur Linde

Oregon Supreme Court
Salem, OR
Lawyer; Educator; Jurist
Social and Behavioral Sciences


Hans Arthur Linde, (born April 15, 1924) is a German American attorney and former jurist in Oregon. Linde was a law clerk to Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas, 1950–51, during which time the Court handed down Dennis v. United States (1951) (Douglas, J., dissenting) and Feiner v. New York. (1951) (Douglas, J., dissenting) He then worked as an attorney in the Office of the Legal Adviser to the Department of State and Adviser to the United States Delegation to the United Nations General Assembly (1951–53). Afterwards he was a Legislative Assistant to U.S. Senator Richard L. Neuberger, 1955-1958. Linde was Associate Professor and Professor of Law at the University of Oregon in 1954 and 1959–76, and has been a visiting professor in the law schools at U.C.L.A., Stanford, New York University, University of Texas, and a Fulbright lecturer in Freiburg and Hamburg, as well as at Willamette University. His publications include a coursebook in Legislative and Administrative Processes and more than 100 articles, lectures, and reviews. Justice Linde served on the Oregon Supreme Court from 1977 to 1990. He was appointed by Governor Robert W. Straub to a term beginning January 3, 1977 and was elected in 1978 and re-elected in 1984. His term expired on December 3, 1990.

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