H. Bradley Shaffer
H. Bradley Shaffer is UCLA La Kretz Center Director and Distinguished Professor in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary at University of California, Los Angeles. A leader in conservation genetics, Shaffer synthesizes natural history, ecology, evolutionary biology, and phylogenetic histories of amphibians, including salamanders, reptiles, and turtles. His major focus is endangered species and the factors that threaten them. He has introduced the use of new molecular genetic markers, culminating in full genome studies of turtles. His work on turtles has ranged from in-depth analyses of species boundaries of the Western Pond Turtle to the Turtles of the World project, an annotated family tree of every named species of turtle and tortoise on earth.
Shaffer is Director of Stunt Ranch Reserve of the UC Natural Reserve System and Director and Principle Investigator of the California Conservation Genomics Project. He earned his Ph.D. from University of Chicago.