Guillermina Lozano
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Biological Sciences
Cellular and Developmental Biology
Lozano's research focuses on deciphering the physiological relevance of the p53 tumor suppressor pathway. She discovered the importance of p53 inhibitors, Mdm2 and Mdm4, in development and tumorigenesis, illuminated cell cycle arrest and senescence as wild-type p53 tumor suppressive mechanisms, and defined mutant p53 activities in tumorigenesis. This notable work set the scene for current approaches to re-engage therapeutically p53 in tumor cells through pharmacological disruption of the p53-Mdm2/Mdm4 interaction, in an effort to find new avenues in targeted cancer therapy. In 2013, Lozano was awarded the Women in Cancer Research Charlotte Friend Memorial Lectureship.
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