
Gordon G. Hammes

Duke University School of Medicine
Biochemist; Educator; Academic administrator
Mathematical and Physical Sciences


Professor Gordon G. Hammes is the University Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry at Duke Medicine. Previously, he held appointments at University of California, Santa Barbara, Cornell University, and M.I.T. His research is concerned with studying the dynamics of single enzyme molecules with fluorescence microscopy. The principle of the method used is to fix the active enzyme to the surface of a slide and to view the trajectory (time course) of the enzyme during the course of ligand binding and/or catalysis. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and has received several national awards, including the American Chemical Society Award in Biological Chemistry (1967) and the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology William C. Rose Award (2002).  The American Chemical Society established an annual lectureship bearing his name in 2008.  

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