
Francois Recanati

Centre National De La Recherche Scientifique
Philosopher; Linguist; Lecturer; Research institution administrator and scientist; Professional society administrator
Humanities and Arts
International Honorary Member
Research Fellow; Director. Influential philosopher of language and mind, known especially for his work on pragmatics and on mental indexicality. Leading and tireless advocate of analytical philosophy in France and Europe. In a dozen of books, from Meaning and Force in 1987 through Mental Files in Flux in 2016, as well as hundreds of articles and lectures, played a key role in shaping the interdisciplinary field. Especially important is his work on direct reference and the semantics and pragmatics of indexicals, deixis, and perspective - Direct Reference (1993) and Perspectival Thought (2007), and his very influential demarcation of the field in terms of key issues, positions, and arguments in Literal Meaning (2004). His two most recent books develop the mental file framework for thinking about concepts. Helped found the Institut Jean Nicod, a leading site for study of analytical philosophy in Europe. Founder and past president of the European Society for Analytic Philosophy. Delivered many prestigious lectures, including the Pufendorf Lectures (Lund) , the Gareth Evans Memorial Lecture (Oxford), and the Frege Lectures (Tartu). Serves on the editorial boards of numerous journals and book series. Was awarded a major grant by the European Research Council, a silver medal by CNRS, and a honorary degree by the University of Stockholm.
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