F. Michael Christ
Professor F. Michael Christ is a Professor of Mathematics at the University of California, Berkeley. His research has Fourier analysis at its core and encompasses partial differential equations, complex analysis in several variables, and topics in mathematical physics. He has conducted Definitive analysis of global regularity (and its failure) for solutions of d-bar problems on pseudoconvex domains. Proof of ill-posedness of low regularity nonlinear Schrodinger equations (with Colliander and Tao). Characterization of absolutely continuous spectrum and generalized eigenfunctions for second-order ODE with potentials on real line (with Kiselev). He has been an invited lecturer twice at the International Congress of Mathematicians, first in Kyoto in 1990 and then in Berlin in 1998. He had received numerous honors and awards, including an NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award and a Sloan Fellowship in 1986, the 1997 Bergman Prize from the AMS, and a Miller Research Professorship for 2000-2001. In 2002, he received the Mathematics Distinguished Teaching Award from the Mathematics Undergraduate Student Association at UC Berkeley. He also received a 2004 Distinguished Teaching Award by the Office of Educational Development at UC Berkeley.