Edward O. Laumann
University of Chicago
Sociologist; Educator
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Sociology, Demography, and Geography
George Herbert Mead Distinguished Professor of Sociology. Pioneered social network analysis to understand how interpersonal relations influence social stratification. He began with research showing how occupational stratification was a balance between people seeking out friends like themselves and those higher in prestige. He adapted sociometric techniques to survey research in order to gather network data on probability samples, distinguishing diverse from closed affiliation networks. He studied the stratification of elite groups in community policy and the legal profession within one city as well as national public policy and lobbyists affecting national policy. Known for work on the social organization of sexual behavior. His finding of monogamy and lack of variety surprised a 1990s America inundated by sexual information. Analysis improved knowledge of specific sexual activity prevalence, as well as social relations associated with disease diffusion, prevalence of sexual dysfunction, and subjective sexual well-being cross-nationally The Social Organization of Sexuality (1994) is considered the modern definitive work on sex in America. Current projects include the National Survey of Sexual Practices in China and the National Social Health and Aging Project, which investigates sexuality, informal social networks, and health conditions longitudinally for persons over 55 in the U.S.
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